You are going to go through Sample Questions ON THE HUNDRED DRESSES 1 & 2-FIRST FLIGHT-CBSE CLASS 10 ENGLISHTo score better in CBSE examinations, the role of sample questions is immense, A learner has to practise rigorously to master the topic and put in the examination meticulously without making any mistakes. Sample questions help to cope with the pattern and dos and don ts that CBSE desires a learner to achieve. Here in the lesson Sample Questions ON THE HUNDRED DRESSES 1 & 2-FIRST FLIGHT-CBSE CLASS 10 ENGLISH experts made it sure that sample questions come with the design and blueprint prescribed by CBSE.So let us find out Sample Questions ON THE HUNDRED DRESSES 1 & 2-FIRST FLIGHT-CBSE CLASS 10 ENGLISH

(A) She always wore a faded blue dress that didn’t hang right. It was clean, but it looked as though it had never been ironed properly. She didn’t have any friends, but a lot of girls talked to her. Sometimes, they surrounded her in the school yard as she stood watching the little girls play hopscotch on the worn hard ground.

“Wanda,’’ Peggy would say in a most courteous manner, as though she were talking to Miss Mason. “Wanda,” she’d say, giving one of her friends a nudge, “tell us. How many dresses did you say you had hanging up in your closet?”

Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract

i The ‘most courteous manner’ here means that Peggy was

a) on her best behaviour.

b) teasing Wanda.

c) trying to impress Wanda.

d) respectful to Wanda.

ii Peggy gave her friend a nudge because

a) she wanted to push her away from the scene.

b) she disliked her friend being distracted then.

c) she was teasing Wanda and wanted her to make others pay attention.

d) she was teasing Wanda and didn’t want anyone her miss the ‘fun’.

iii Pick the option having the words that DO NOT loosely match the word, ‘closet’, from those given.

1) wardrobe 2) loft 3) cabinet 4) cupboard 5) porch 6) cellar

a) 1, 3 and 4

b) 3, 4 and 5

c) 1, 2 and 6

d) 2, 5 and 6

iv Why was Wanda’s answer to Peggy’s question always the same? Pick the LEAST probable reason.

This was so because she knew that

a) she was being picked on and it was probably her defence.

b) confessing the truth would probably worsen the situation.

c) she didn’t know how else to get out of that situation.

d) sticking to an unexpected answer would get her the attention she needed.

v Regarding Wanda being teased, Miss Mason was

a) in denial that such behaviour was possible by her students.

b) aware, but didn’t want to discuss it with the students.

c) unaware that the students were frequently teasing Wanda.

d) of the belief that such behaviour was a normal part of growing up.

vi Which of the following images showcase ‘hopscotch’?

(B) “In the opinion of the judges, any one of the drawings is worthy of winning the prize. I am very happy to say that Wanda Petronski is the winner of the girls’ medal. Unfortunately, Wanda has been absent from school for some days and is not here to receive the applause that is due to her. Let us hope she will be back tomorrow. Now class, you may file around the room quietly and look at her exquisite drawings.”

Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract

i Pick the statement that is TRUE, according to the information given in the extract.

a) Wanda won the prize because she had submitted a variety of entries.

b) Wanda would have still won the prize even if she had submitted just one entry.

c) Wanda won the prize because the majority of judges were women.

d) Wanda would have still won the prize if she had drawn something else.

ii Miss Mason says, “I am very happy to …”. Which phrase DOES NOT replace the underlined phrase correctly from those given below?

a) It gives me great pleasure to…

b) I am sure you’ll be surprised to…

c) I am delighted to…

d) It fills me with joy to…

iii When the teacher wants them to ‘file around’, she wants the students to

a) put the files in their proper places.

b) gather around her table to discuss the designs.

c) file the designs properly in their folders.

d) walk in a line to admire the designs.

iv Pick the sentence that DOES NOT use ‘due to’ in the same sense as in the given extract.

a) She was disappointed due to their rude behaviour.

b) We must give our colleagues the vacation due to them.

c) I have some extra money due to me this month from my friend.

d) You have an apology due to your parents.

v The teacher refers to Wanda’s designs as ‘exquisite’ because

a) each one of the hundred designs was different.

b) each one of them was very beautiful.

c) each of them was a copy of the latest fashion trend.

d) each one had the same colour theme as the other.

Part II

(A) Dear Teacher

My Wanda will not come to your school anymore. Jake also. Now we move away to big city. No more holler ‘Pollack’. No more ask why funny name. Plenty of funny names in the city.

Yours truly,

Jan Petronski

Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract

i Jan’s tone in the writing of the letter IS NOT

a) distressing.

b) spiteful.

c) hurt.

d) painful.

ii. What, according to the letter, was the primary reason that prompted Mr Petronski to take the decision to move to a big city?

a) His wish to achieve success in the big city.

b) His urge to join his relatives who mostly lived in the big city.

c) His anxiety over their poverty in the small city.

d) His agony about his children being viewed as ‘outsiders’ by their schoolmates.

iii The dictionary says the following about migration.

Migration involves the movement of people (birds, fish etc.) from one place to another with intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily, at a new location (geographic region).

Which of the following options INCORRECTLY uses ‘migration’?

a) After gold was found in the uninhabited region, there was a migration to that area.

b) Bears sleep through winters. This migration helps bears to use their stored energy much more slowly.

c) There was a mass migration of youngsters to the tagged locale, to assist the cause for charity.

d) Scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances in the river

iv The phrase ‘Pollack’ reveals a discrimination on the basis of

a) race.

b) gender.

c) religion.

d) wealth.

v The line– Plenty of funny names in the city—suggests that the city

a) is a melting pot of people from different parts of the world.

b) has foreign people willing to give opportunities to the poor.

c) is a safe haven for immigrants if they have funny names.

d) has a special status for all who are willing to be funny.

(B) Weeks went by and still Wanda did not answer.

Peggy had begun to forget the whole business, and Maddie put herself to sleep at night making speeches about Wanda, defending her from great crowds of girls who were trying to tease her with, “How many dresses have you got?” And before Wanda could press her lips together in a tight line, the way she did before answering, Maddie would cry out, “Stop!”

Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract

i Which primary feelings of Maddie does the extract reveal?

a) guilt, regret and righteousness

b) guilt and shame

c) shame, regret and courage

d) courage and righteousness

ii Which of the following is most likely to be a part of Maddie’s speech?

a) Stop! I think it’s about time we asked her a new question. This is not fun anymore. How about her faded dress?

b) Stop! Don’t you know that I’m the one who had to lead in Peggy’s

absence? This is unacceptable.

c) Stop! How dare you all join in without Peggy’s permission? Don’t you know she’d be angry?

d) Stop! Aren’t you all ashamed of yourself? Why do you trouble her? She means no harm to anyone.

iii. Choose the declaration which is likely to be received with the pressing of lips together in a tight line.

a) Option 1

b) Option 2

c) Option 3

d) Option 4

iv Pick the option with a cause-effect relation, with reference to the given extract.

a) Wanda’s absence— Peggy missing Wanda

b) Maddie’s need to make amends – Confessing publicly

c) Wanda’s absence – Maddie’s need to make amends

Peggy teasing Wanda— Maddie’s stand against it

v Wanda didn’t reply to the letter for weeks.

Pick the option that DOES NOT supply a possible reason for this, from those given below.

a) The letter took more than a couple of weeks reaching her as it didn’t have an address and needed to be forwarded.

b) She needed time to forgive Maddie and Peggy and think her reply


c) Peggy had second thoughts after mailing the letter and reclaimed it from the post office, to mail weeks later.

d) She was occupied with settling in at the new school in the city.

Answer key for MCQs

Q3 (A)

Part I

i) b

ii) d

iii) a

iv) d

v) c

vi) d

Q3 (B)

Part I

i) b

ii) b

iii) d

iv) a

v) b

Q3 (A)

Part II

i) b

ii) d

iii) b

iv) a

v) a

Q3 (B)

Part II

i) c

ii) a

iii) a

iv) c

v) c

You are going to go through Sample Questions ON THE HUNDRED DRESSES 1 & 2-FIRST FLIGHT-CBSE CLASS 10 ENGLISHTo score better in CBSE examinations, the role of sample questions is immense, A learner has to practise rigorously to master the topic and put in the examination meticulously without making any mistakes. Sample questions help to cope with the pattern and dos and don ts that CBSE desires a learner to achieve. Here in the lesson Sample Questions ON THE HUNDRED DRESSES 1 & 2-FIRST FLIGHT-CBSE CLASS 10 ENGLISH experts made it sure that sample questions come with the design and blueprint prescribed by CBSE.So let us find out Sample Questions ON THE HUNDRED DRESSES 1 & 2-FIRST FLIGHT-CBSE CLASS 10 ENGLISH

Q10 Answer in 20-30 words

Part I

i What, according to Room Thirteen, was ‘unusual’ about Wanda?

ii Briefly justify Peggy’s popularity.

iii Why was Wanda’s claim to a hundred dresses incongruent with what she wore to school most days?

iv Wanda and Maddie often waited for Wanda, to have ‘fun’ with her.How was this concept of ‘fun’ different from how we commonly know it?

Part II

i Why do you think Miss Mason took time to adjust her glasses slowly and deliberately before reading Jan Petronski’s letter aloud?

ii Do you think Miss Mason had any idea about the hundred dresses ‘fun’ with Wanda? Why/Why not?

iii Why did Jan Petronski feel that the city would be a better option for his family to move to?

iv ‘Hey let’s go and see if that kid has left town or not.’

Why do you think Peggy said this with ‘pretended casualness’?

v The Petronski’s house and its yard looked shabby but clean. What can we infer about the Petronski family, from this information?

Q11 Answer in 40-50 words

Part I

i Wanda was not only different from the other students of her class but even from the other students at the back of the class where she sat. Explain how this was so.

ii The drawing and colouring contest involved girls designing dresses and boys designing motorboats.

a) Does it reveal any common perception about girls and boys?

b) What do you feel about the same?

iii What does the reaction of the two girls, at the announcement of Wanda’s name as the winner of the girls’ medal, tell us about them?

iv Maddie had her own reason to feel embarrassed on occasion, when Wanda was teased about her dresses.

If you were Maddie, how would you have addressed the situation?

v Explain how wearing a school uniform might have addressed the problem/s faced by Maddie and Wanda regarding their dresses.

Part II

i Room Thirteen is where most of the story takes place. Comment on its significance in the story.

ii Peggy says:

Besides, when I was asking her about all her dresses, she probably was getting good ideas for her drawings.

Explain why Peggy said this and what prompted her to say so.

iii Based on your reading of the story, write your inference of Boggins Heights.

iv Pen down your perception of Miss Mason as a teacher, in the complete story, The Hundred Dresses.

v Peggy and Maddie had different feelings after Miss Mason read aloud Wanda’s letter:

“Boy!” said Peggy, “this shows she really likes us.

“I hope so,” said Maddie sadly.

Explain the difference in their feelings by analysing both girls as similar yet different personalities.

vi In the light of Peggy’s statement – Well, at least I never did call her a foreigner—write a short blog entry examining the need to inculcate the spirit of being inclusive and celebrating diversity.

You may begin this way:

Embracing the Inclusive Spirit

Celebrating diversity, of viewpoints, skills, nationalities, experiences and such is core to advancing globally. I think that………………………(continue)

vii Given a choice, who would you like to befriend—Peggy or Maddie? Supplement your reasons with textual evidence.

Q12 Answer in 100-120 words (beyond text and across texts)

i) As a student from a different class (Room Eleven), write a diary entry about the behaviour of Peggy and Maddie with Wanda, in the light of the given quotes.

You may begin like this:

ii Despite her picking on Wanda and leading the group in doing so, Peggy was someone who shielded younger children from bullies and cried at the mistreatment of animals.

Do you think that most people in the world are like Wanda –very aware about several issues but quite unfeeling when it comes to dealing with someone ‘different’?

Present your views and include the importance of being self-aware, lest we hurt others due to our thoughtlessness.

iii If Wanda had to choose one friend from among Anne Frank, Amanda and Valli, who do you think she would have chosen? Explain with relevant rationale and reference to the texts.

Part II

i Peggy routinely made fun of Wanda along with her classmates. In this context, justify the given statement:

One person’s sense of humour can be another person’s agony.

ii The girls were bullies without realising it. Do you agree? Why/why not?

iii Based on the given textual information about the letter Peggy and Maddie addressed to Wanda, create this letter.

They had meant to say they were sorry, but it ended up with their just writing a friendly letter… and they signed it with lots of X’s for love.

You may begin like this:

iv Wanda was regularly teased, but a closer look at her will tell the readers that far from being a subject of ridicule, she deserved praise for her unacknowledged qualities. Explain why she is actually praiseworthy, with reference to her situation and her behaviour.

iii People are more roused by the idea of revenge than forgiveness.

Which aspect does Wanda’s letter exemplify? Support your ideas with

reference to the text.

iv Do you think the given quote applies to Maddie?

Explain with reference to the text.

v Wanda and Custard were both picked on, by their peers.

a) Compare and contrast the characteristic/s their persecutors had?

b) Also, evaluate if

1) they had the same reasons to pick on their victims.

2) they both victims reacted in a similar manner.