You are going to go through SAMPLE QUESTIONS ON AMANDA! -CBSE CLASS 10 ENGLISH-FIRST FLIGHT. To score better in CBSE examinations, the role of sample questions is immense, A learner has to practise rigorously to master the topic and put in the examination meticulously without making any mistakes. Sample questions help to cope with the pattern and dos and don ts that CBSE desires a learner to achieve. Here in the lesson SAMPLE QUESTIONS ON AMANDA! -CBSE CLASS 10 ENGLISH-FIRST FLIGHT experts made it sure that sample questions come with the design and blueprint prescribed by CBSE.So let us find out SAMPLE QUESTIONS ON AMANDA!-CBSE CLASS 10 ENGLISH-FIRST FLIGHT


 (A) (I am an orphan, roaming the street.
 I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.
 The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.) 

Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract

I) The tone of the given lines is

a) analytical.

b) despairing.

c) peaceful.

d) nervous.

ii) Read the statements A and B given below, and choose the option that correctly evaluates these statements.

Statement A – The figure ‘I’ imagines a less than realistic view of being an orphan.

Statement B – The figure ‘I’ does not like the speaker.

a) A is true, B is false, according to the extract

b) A is true, B cannot be clearly inferred from the extract.

c) A cannot be clearly inferred from the extract, B is false.

d) A is true and can be inferred from the poem, B is true too.

iii)The golden silence is contrasted with the __________.

a) chaos of the street.

b) constant instructions received.

c) sweetness of freedom.

d) hushed, bare feet.

iv) The rhyme scheme ‘aaa’ in the above extract is followed in all other stanzas of the poem that are written in parenthesis, i.e. (). Why?

Read the reasons given below, and choose the option that lists the most accurate reasoning:

(i) It shows the simplicity of the child’s thoughts.

(ii) It reflects the harmony and rhythm of the child’s inner world.

(iii) It mirrors a child’s expression.

(iv) It highlights the poet’s aesthetic sensibility.

a) (i) and (iv)

b) (i) and (ii)

c) (ii) and (iii)

d) (iii) and (iv)

v) Pick the option that lists the usage of the word ‘pattern’, as in the extract above.

a) That is a lovely pattern for a wallpaper.

b) He decided to wear a patterned shirt to the party.

c) Poetry is a form of pattern making.

d) She patterned her hair after her favourite celebrity.

vi) Extra Q.

Which option completes the popular adage given below?

___________________ silence is gold.

a) Precious are words for

b) Speech is silver

c) Silver is the tongue

vii) Extra Q.

A transferred epithet is a literary device where the modifier or epithet is transferred from the noun it is meant to describe to another noun in the sentence.

Based on the given definition of ‘transferred epithet’, choose the option that lists an example of transferred epithet.

a) soft dust

b) hushed (bare) feet

c) freedom (is) sweet

d) silence (is) golden)

viii) Extra Q.

Which image corresponds to what Amanda, is doing in this extract?

a) option 1

b) option 2

c) option 3

d) option 4

 (B) Don’t bite your nails, Amanda!
 Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda!
 Stop that slouching and sit up straight,

Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract

I) The purpose of the speaker’s words in the given extract is to

a) show the speaker’s power over the listener.

b) make the listener a better human being.

c) advise the listener as an elder.

d) improve the listener’s posture and habits.

ii) Pick the option that lists the image which correctly corresponds to the

speaker’s mood in the extract.

a) Image (i)

b) Image (ii)

c) Image (iii)

d) Image (iv)

iii) Alliteration is a literary device used in the extract.

Which of the following options DOES NOT include examples of this literary device?

a) The moon and the shimmering stars watched over us

b) With that charming chat, Catherine chose comfort

c) Away ran the pathetic pooch pouting like a princess

d) Dee dee was driving down day after day

iv) What does the repetition of “Amanda!” at the end of each line reflect?

a) It describes who the speaker is talking to.

b) It represents the absent-mindedness of the listener.

c) It shows the frustration of the speaker.

d) It helps create a rhyme scheme.

v) select the option that fits with the following:

slouching : straight:: ______ : _______

a) transparent: translucent

b) lazy: agile

c) forgetful: lively

d) generous: liberal

Q10) Answer in 20-30 words

i) Would you call Amanda a disrespectful child? Provide one reason to justify your opinion.

ii) What kind of an image does “languid, emerald sea” evoke?

iii) What does the line “never let down my bright hair” tell us about Amanda?

iv) The reader sympathises with the speaker in the poem. Support this opinion with a reason.

v) What do you think is the significance of the exclamation mark in the title of the poem ‘Amanda!’?

Q11) Answer in 40-50 words

i) How would you characterise the speaker in the poem ‘Amanda!’? List any two qualities, supporting the reason of your choice, with evidence from the poem.

ii) ‘Amanda is alone but not lonely in the world she envisions.’ Justify the statement with reference to any one image she pictures in her mind.

iii) This is Calvin, a character from a comic strip created by Bill Watterson.

Do you think this might be something Amanda would say? Why/ why not? Give reasons.

Q12) Answer in 100-120 words (beyond text and across texts)

i) Look at the given image of a book cover.

If the author, Jason Kotecki were to ask a grown-up Amanda to help with his book by writing one of the 8 secrets based on her experiences, what might she share?

Elaborate based on your understanding of the poem

ii) Read the quote given below carefully. Based on your understanding of the poem, explain how and why this quote can be applied to the poem.

iii) What advice might “chatterbox” Anne (Frank) have for the quietly

imaginative Amanda? Present this as a conversation between the two.

You may begin this way:

Anne: Gosh! You do run off into some strange worlds, don’t you?

Amanda: (nods) Well…

iv) Colin Wilson, an English author, said, “Your imagination should be used not to escape reality but to create it.”

Compare / contrast Wanda and Amanda in the light of this author’s opinion

Answer key for MCQs

Q3 (A)

i) (c)

ii) (b)

iii). (b)

iv). (c)

v). (d)

vi) (b)

vii) (b)

viii) (b)


Q3 (B)

i) (d)

ii). (c)

iii. (a)

iv. (c)

v. (b)