You are going to go through Sample Questions ON SAMPLE QUESTIONS ON A LETTER TO GOD (CBSE NEW PATTERN) CBSE CLASS 10-FIRST FLIGHTTo score better in CBSE examinations, the role of sample questions is immense, A learner has to practise rigorously to master the topic and put in the examination meticulously without making any mistakes. Sample questions help to cope with the pattern and dos and don ts that CBSE desires a learner to achieve. Here in the lesson Sample Questions ONSAMPLE QUESTIONS ON A LETTER TO GOD (CBSE NEW PATTERN) CBSE CLASS 10-FIRST FLIGHTexperts made it sure that sample questions come with the design and blueprint prescribed by CBSE.So let us find out Sample Questions SAMPLE QUESTIONS ON A LETTER TO GOD (CBSE NEW PATTERN) CBSE CLASS 10-FIRST FLIGHT

A. Choose the correct option from the following.

1. “Now we’re really going to get some water, woman.”

In the following find out the correct figures of speech that has been used-

a. Simile b. Anaphora c. Alliteration d. Transferred epithet

 2. “In the north-east huge mountains of clouds could be seen approaching”
Here the word “approaching”-is

a. Finite verb b. non-finite verb. C. Quasi Passive d. none of them

3. “With a satisfied expression he regarded the field of ripe corn…”

The above word ‘regarded’-

a. meant to. b. honoured c. both ‘a’ and ‘b’ d. admired

4. “A plague of locusts would have left more than this”
In the following pictures find out the correct one connecting locust

5. “But in the hearts of all who lived in that solitary house in the middle of the valley”

Here the expression “solitary house” refers to –

a. lonely house b. house without happiness. C. House without people d. None of these

6. “the help of God, whose eyes, as he had been instructed, see everything

Find out the nearest meaning to “God sees everything”

a. Omnipotence  b. Omniscience c. Omnipresence d. none of these

7. “Starting up a correspondence with God!”?

In the above sentence the word ‘correspondence’ is used as a

a. tete–tete b. interview  c. communication by exchanging letters. c. none of these

8. “it was evident that to answer it he needed something more than goodwill”

What was the goodwill

a.Helping with money  b.responding as a god c. Tried not to break his faith d. nothing

9. “He put the money in an envelope addressed to Lencho and with it a letter containing only a single word as a signature: God”

Why do you think the postmaster wrote only the word “God”

 a. He did not want to break the sanctity of God

 b. He did not know what to write as God

 c. He just wanted to help with the money

 d. None of the above

10. “wrinkling of his brow”
Which one of the following is Not a pattern matching ‘brow’?

 B. Answer the following questions in about 40 to 50 words each. (Any two) 2×2=4

      1. People get support from family and friends during bad times. How does Lencho’s family behave after the harvest is ruined?

      2. ‘Lencho was an ox of a man, working like an animal in the fields, but still he knew how to write.’ What does this line tell us about the norm amongst such farmers, then?     

      3. What, according to you would have been the likely reaction of Lencho’s wife upon knowing about him writing an actual letter to God?.

      C. Answer the following questions in about 50 to 60 words each. (Any two) 3×2=6

     1. ‘The field was white, as if covered with salt.’ This is how the field is described after the hailstorm. The pelting hailstones could have been easily seen as sugar cubes. Do you think comparing it with sugar would have been more appropriate? Why/ Why not?    

2. Recount your reaction to the loss of a favourite object as a very young child. Would you have behaved the same way now? Explain with reason.

     3. Lencho and his family knew the implications the hailstorm would have on their lives. Write a conversation between Lencho and his wife as they watched the downpour turn to a hailstorm.

     D. Answer the following questions in about 100 words each.  5×2=10

     1. The people at the post-office contribute to put together whatever they can manage, for Lencho.

(a) What do you think was the main reason behind their help? Would you have done the same if you were one of the employees?

(b) As an employee, write about your perspective and reason(s) for contributing to the fund. The fact that you don’t want to say ‘no’ to a cause initiated by your boss, can also be an equally compelling reason!

2. Read the given anecdote and analyse the similarities and differences with reference to ‘A Letter to God’.

A very poor woman called-in a radio station asking for help from God. A non-believer, also listening to this radio program, decided to make fun of the woman. He got her address, called his secretary and ordered her to buy food and take it to the woman. However, the instruction was: “When the woman asks who sent the food, tell her that it’s from the devil.” When the secretary arrived at the woman’s house, the woman was very happy and grateful for the help. The Secretary then asked her, ”Don’t you want to know who sent the food?”

The woman replied, ”No, I don’t even care because when God orders, even the devil obeys!

3. The postmaster was a representative of God. Evaluate this statement in the context of your understanding of ‘A Letter to God”.