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Think As You Read

1.What is the “misadventure” that William Douglas speaks about?

Ans. The author, William Douglas, speaks about the “misadventure” that happened at the Y.M.C.A pool. At that time, he was only ten or eleven years old. He had a bitter experience as a result of which he was quite afraid of water. But at that pool, a big boy pushed threw him to the pool. He made various attempts to save himself, but each time he failed. He thought that he would die as he found no hope and lost his consciousness. Fortunately, he was rescued from there.

2.What were the series of emotions and fears that Douglas experienced when he was thrown into the pool? What plans did he make to come to the surface?

Ans. The Y.MC.A pool was safe enough. It was only two or three feet deep at the end whereas was nine feet at the other. But a big bruiser of a boy arrived and tossed him into the deeper part of the pool. He was afraid but he didn’t lose hope. Douglas planned that he would make a huge jump when he would reach the bottom of the pool but his attempt failed. He tried multiple times but failed.

Finally, he gathered all his strength and thought that he would be able to jump but instead he came slowly and saw nothing other than water. He got panicked and tried to yell but couldn’t make any sound. His eyes and nose came out of the water but his mouth didn’t. He swallowed water and choked. Douglas tried again but his legs seemed to be paralysed. He could not come out of the pool and started to scream. Douglas tried for the last time and thought that he would die and lost consciousness.

3.How did this experience affect him?

Ans. The experience at the Y.M.C.A swimming pool left a deep impact on the author. The author got scared and started avoiding water. He was weak. He couldn’t eat that night and was trembling. Douglas avoided fishing and other water-based activities.

Think As You Read

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1.Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water?

Ans. Douglas was quite determined to get over his fear. This is because he couldn’t enjoy those water-based activities like boating, fishing, canoeing, etc. Moreover, he wanted to overcome his fear of water. That’s why he appointed an instructor who would teach him to swim.

2.How did the instructor “build a swimmer” out of Douglas?

Ans. The instructor was appointed by Douglas. He practised for five days a week. At first, he taught him the basics of swimming by suspending him with a rope. Through this, he was made to cross the pool. This went for three months. After that, Douglas was taught to breathe inside the water.  After seven months, he finally learnt to swim.

3.How did Douglas make sure that he conquered the old terror?

Ans.  At the age of three, he went to California. There a misadventure took place. A big wave knocked him down. He nearly drowned and he felt as if his breath was no more. This created an aversion to water in him. Douglas was horrified by the experience at the Y.M.C.A pool. He avoided all types of water-based activities like boating, canoeing, etc. but he was determined enough. He appointed the instructor and while practising he felt the terror. It took him three months to overcome the fear. After seven months, he was finally successful in overcoming his fear.

Understanding The Text

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1.How does Douglas make clear to the reader the sense of panic that gripped him as he almost drowned? Describe the details that have made the description vivid.

Ans. The Y.MC.A pool was safe enough. It was only two or three feet deep at the end whereas was nine feet at the other. But a big bruiser of a boy arrived and tossed him into the deeper part of the pool. He was afraid but he didn’t lose hope. Douglas planned that he would make a huge jump when he would reach the bottom of the pool but his attempt failed. Douglastried for multiple times but failed. Finally, he gathered all his strength and thought that he would be able to jump but instead he came slowly and saw nothing other than water.

He got panicked and tried to yell but couldn’t make any sound. His eyes and nose came out of the water but his mouth didn’t. He swallowed water and choked. Douglas tried again but his legs seemed to be paralysed. He could not come out of the pool and started to scream. Douglas tried for the last time and thought that he would die and lost consciousness.

2.How did Douglas overcome his fear of water?

Ans. Douglas appointed an instructor who would teach him to swim. He practised for five days a week. At first he taught him the basics of swimming by suspending him with a rope. Through this he was made to cross the pool. This went for three months. After that, Douglas was taught to breathe inside the water.  After seven months, he finally learnt to swim.

3.Why does Douglas as an adult recount a childhood experience of terror and his conquering of it? What larger meaning does he drawn from this experience?

Ans. Douglas had an aversion with water previously. But the incident at the Y.M.C.A pool, a big boy pushed threw him to the pool. He made various attempts to save himself, but each time he failed. He thought that he would die as he found no hope and lost his consciousness. Fortunately, he was rescued from there.

He was afraid of water. Douglas regretted water-based activities. He felt death and it taught him the lesson of life. But he was determined and he proved that anything is possible if we try.