Think as You Read
Page no- 79
1.Where was it most likely that the two girls would find work after school?
Ans. The two girls, Sophie and Jansie, were most likely to find a job in the local biscuit factory.
2.What were the options that Sophie was dreaming of? Why does Jansie discourage her from having such dreams?
Ans. Sophie was dreaming of opening a boutique. But Jansie told that it requires a lot of money to open a boutique, Sophie told that in that case she would become a manager and would make money for the boutique. Sophie even wants to become an actress.
Jansie discouraged her from such dreams as she was quite a practical person. She understood their limits and knew that Sophie’s dreams would never turn into reality.
Think as You Read
Page no- 81
1.Why did Sophie wriggle when Geoff told her father that she had met Danny Casey?
Ans. Sophie wriggled as she knew that her father would scold her if she would hear that she had met Danny Casey. Her father never believed in her as a result of which he would be angry with her.
2.Does Geoff believe what Sophie says about her meeting Danny Casey?
Ans. In the beginning, Geoff didn’t believe in his sister, Sophie. He knew about his sister’s wild fantasies. Sophie then tried to convince his brother by giving more details about Danny Casey. After getting the details, Geoff believed in him as later he shared this with his friend Frank.
3.Does her father believe her story?
Ans. Sophie’s father never believed in her. He was never interested in her fantasies.
4.How does Sophie include her brother Geoff in her fantasy of her future?
Ans. Sophie in order to impress his brother lied that he met Danny Casey in the arcade. Initially, his brother didn’t believe in him, but later she began to give minute details regarding Danny Casey which made his brother believe in her. In this way, Sophie included her brother Geoff in her fantasy of her future. She actually wanted her brother to show her the outer world as a result of which she lied to her brother.
5.Which country did Danny Casey play for?
Ans. Danny Casey was the famous and young soccer player who played for Ireland. He was a blend of innocence and Irish genius.
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Think as You Read
Page no- 85
1.Why didn’t Sophie want Jansie to know about her story with Danny?
Ans. Sophie had lied to her brother that he had met the famous soccer player, Danny Casey. Jansie knew about her fantasies and she was quite talkative. The moment she would get to know that Sophie had met Danny Casey, she would disclose it to everyone and it would no more be a secret. That’s why, Sophie didn’t want Jansie to know anything about it.
2.Did Sophie really meet Danny Casey?
Ans. No, Sophie didn’t meet Danny Casey in reality. She just wanted to impress her brother by letting him know that she had met Danny. She told that she had met him in the arcade and told that he would come again the next week for giving her an autograph. The next week she went to the arcade in spite of knowing that she had lied it to her brother. She imagined to have met Danny Casey near Royce’s arcade. They talked to each other and wanted to take an autograph for her younger brother Derek, but none of them had one. Danny told that he would come the next week for giving the autograph.
3.Which was the only occasion when she got to see Danny Casey in person?
Ans. The only occasion when Sophie got to see Danny Casey in person was the soccer match of their team, the United. They were a big fan of Danny Casey.
Understanding The Text
Page no- 85
1.Sophie and Jansie were class-mates and friends. What were the differences between them that show up in the story?
Ans. Sophie is a day-dreamer. Sophie dreams of opening a boutique. But Jansie told that it requires a lot of money to open a boutique, Sophie told that in that case she would become a manager and would make money for the boutique. Sophie told her that she wanted to become like Mary Quant. She even wants to become an actress. Sophie wants to explore the world and ride on her brother’s bicycle beside him. Jansie is the friend of Sophie who is quite practical in nature. She understands the troubles of life. Jansie unlike Sophie is practical in nature. She is quite talkative and can’t keep anything a secret.
2.How would you describe the character and temperament of Sophie’s father?
Ans. Sophie’s father is a strict person. He works hard for his family. Sophie’s father was quite practical in nature. He never believed in his daughter’s wild fantasies. Sophie’s wanted to provide better facilities for his family.
3.Why did Sophie like her brother Geoff more than any other person? From her perspective, what did he symbolise?
Ans. Sophie likes her brother Geoff more than anyone else as she had a strong desire to see the outside world which was more interesting than that of hers. By impressing him, he would take him to the place where he spends his quality time. Moreover, she dreams of riding on Geoff’s bicycle behind him.
4.What socio-economic background did Sophie belong to? What are the indicators of her family’s financial status?
Ans. Sophie belongs to a socio-economic background in spite of the fact that she has wild fantasies. She lives in a dream which would never turn into reality due to her background. Jansie who is quite practical explains that these are mere dreams and she should be serious about her life.
- Arithmetic Progressions Chapter 5 NCERT Solutions For Class 10 CBSE Mathematics (Exercise 3 and 4)
- Arithmetic Progressions Chapter 5 NCERT Solutions For Class 10 CBSE Mathematics (Exercise 1 and 2)
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- Coordinate Geometry Chapter 7 Extra Questions and Solutions For Class 10 CBSE Mathematics