Read the following extract and answers the questions carefully.

(1)     “Not………….powerful rhyme.”
          (a)     What
is meant by ‘marble’?
          (b)     Explain
– ‘Gilded Monuments’.
          (c)      Whose
monuments are referred here?
(d)     Give an
example of Enjambment from the above lines.
(2)     “…….shall outlive this powerful rhyme.”
          (a)     What
do you understand by outlive?
          (b)     What
will be out lived?
          (c)      What
will outlive?
          (d)     What
is the powerful rhyme.

(3)     “But you shall shine…….sluttish time.”
          (a)     Who
is meant by ‘you’?
          (b)     What
is meant by ‘in these contents’?
          (c)      What
do you understand by ‘upswept stone’?
What is the time sluttish?
(4)     “when….overturn.”
          (a) Give an example of Alliteration
from the above lines.      
          (b)     Give
an example of Inversion from the above lines.
          (c)      Why
is the war said to be wasteful?
          (d)     How
will the statues be overturned?
(5)     “And……masonry.”
          (a)     What
is meant by ‘broils’?
          (b)     Explain
– ‘Root out’.
          (c)      What
is work of masonry?
          (d)     Give
the rhyme scheme of the poem?
(6)     “Nor……..your memory.”
          (a)     Whose
memory is meant here?
          (b)     Who
is ‘mars’?
          (c)      What
is ‘the living record’?
          (d)     How
is the record a living one?

(7)     “Gainst….pace forth.”
          (a)     How
will the sonnet defeat death?
          (b)     What
is meant by ‘oblivious enmity’?
          (c)      Who
will pace forth?
          (d)     What
is meant by pace forth?
(8)     “Your praise….posterity.”
          (a)     Whose
praise is meant?
          (b)     Give
an example of Alliteration from the above lines.  
          (c)      What
is meant by ‘room’?
          (d)     What
is meant by ‘Posterity’?
(9)     “That………..ending doom.”
          (a)     What
is meant by ‘ending doom’?
          (b)     What
is meant here by ‘That’?
          (c)      Why
did the poet use ‘wear’?
          (d)     Explain
– “this world”.
10.     So, till the…………lover’s eyes.”
          (a)     What
is ‘judgment’?
          (b)     Explain
– “yourself arise.”
          (c)      Explain
– ‘you live in this’.
          (d)     Who
are the lovers?
(B)     Answer the following questions in about
30-40 words each.

          (a)     Consider
the poem as a didactic one.
          (b)     How
did Shakespeare present ‘Time’ in sonnet-55?

          (c)      How
will the friend of Shakespeare be alive till ending doom?
(d)     What hurdles
did Shakespeare state that will by defeated by his sonnet.
(e)      How did
Shakespeare immortalize his friend’s memory?
(f)      How is
‘ending doom’ presented by Shakespeare?
(g)     How is
time and timelessness presented in the poem?
(h)     Explain
the structure of the sonnet-55.
(i)      How is
sonnet-55  a sonnet?
(j)      Explain
the first stanza of the poem.
(C)     Answer the following questions in about
100-120 words each.

“Shakespeare is successful in his assay of immortalizing his friend”-discuss.
How did Shakespeare defy time in sonnet 55?
Discuss the dominant themes used in sonnet 55?
How the figures of speeches are used in sonnet 55?