a) How do the Heavens ‘blaze forth’ the death of Julius Caesar?
Ans:- The heavens do
commence the ultimate demise of Caesar through several omens. Horrifying and
shivering and the outcomes as interpreted  in giving birth of a lioness in the street,
opening of the graves with dead bodies stirring, warriors fighting upon the
clouds, drizzling of blood on the capitol along with the shrinking and
squealing of ghosts around do epitomize the heavenly hint of Caesar’s gathering
to forefathers.
b) What does Calpurnia try to convince Caesar of ?
Ans:- Calpurnia dreamt of Caesar’s
statue sprouting blood through different holes with vigorous smiling Romans
saturating their hands in his blood. She apprehended those to be ill omens
which bring immense exigency in the life of Caesar. We find her trying heaven
and earth to keep Caesar at home. Kneeling down she begs Caesar to abdicate his
wish to attend capitol.

c) Why does Calpurnia say Caesar’s wisdom is consumed in confidence?
Why does she mean?
Ans:- In total atrabilious
state Calpurnia utters above quoted line. Calpurnia’s repeated pledge with
different logics went in vain. Caesar acted as an overconfident person who
admonishes Calpurnia with his extravagant valiance but impractical futile
logics. As adduced by Calpurnia, 
in spite of having the quality of magi, Caesar
turned blind to his wisdom.
d) What does Calpurnia dream about Caesar? How does Decius Brutus
interpret the dream?
Ans:- Calpurnia dreamt an
utterly horrible vision in which from unnumbered holes of Caesar’s statue came
out drizzles of blood. And vigorous and smiling Romans were saturating the
hands in the blood of Caesar. She deciphered the dream as a symbol necrosis of
Caesar. Decius Brutus with his wicked thought interpreted the dream as a
positive one. According to him the dream bears indeed a fruitful result. Romans
in the dream considered Caesar to be the begetter of inspiration and strength,
source of vitality and supreme posterity bringing prosperity for Romans.

e) What are the arguments put forward by Decius Brutus to convince
Caesar to go to the capitol?
Ans:- As per the planning
made by the conspirators, Decius Brutus was on his heel to Caesar’s house. On
hearing the denial and reasoning from Caesar, Decius stated the fact that the
senate had concluded to endow the crown to Caesar. His denial might change the
decision of the senators and Decius himself would be an object of laughter and
fun if he conveyed that Caesar’s absence was due to the fear of a lady’s dream.
Besides, his positive interpretation of the dream took Caesar to the capitol, Caesar’s

f) Why is Decius more successful in persuading Caesar than Calpurnia?
Ans:- Altogether Caesar was
a positive person. Calpurnia considered her dream to be ill omen and indication
to Caesar’s death demise. On the contrary Decius deciphered the dream to be an
immensely positive one and with the example of crowning proved the demand and
interpretation to be auspicious.
g) What is the petition put before Caesar by the conspirators? How
does Caesar respond to it?
Ans:- The excluding
ostracism of Publius, brother of Metellus Cimber was the pivotal point of
petition. All the followers of Judas wanted to revoke the sentence of exile
passed against Publius
            Caesar scorned Metellus saying that no amount of flattery
can change his decision and he is never wrong in passing a decree. He brags his
being constant with that of northern star and turns them down of their

h) Who says “Et tu Brute”? When are these words spoken?  Why?
Ans:- Out of stupefaction
Caesar uttered this after Brutus stabbed him. Caesar considered Brutus to be
his angel. He had immense faith over Brutus to be his loyal and friend. Brutus’
stabbing Caesar was beyond his wildest dreams. His dearest friend Brutus was a
part of conspiracy, was just a bold from the blue.
i) In the moments following Caesar’s death, what do the conspirators
proclaim to justify Caesar’s death?
Ans:- After Caesar’s assassination,
the conspirators proclaimed liberty, democracy and freedom. They gave the excuse
that they killed Caesar to bring an end to dictatorship and establish
democracy. Cassius calls upon the murderers of Caesar to bend and wash their
hands and daggers in Caesar’s blood, the work which will never be forgotten in

Other answers coming soon….

j) Was Caesar really ambitious? Find evidence from the play to support
your answer.
Ans:- In no way Caesar was
            Antony, the faithful friend of assassinated Caesar,
unfolded the true fact to the common mass of Rome. He said that Caesar had
filled the national treasure demolishing the foes; he had heart of apathy which
cried for the poor; he refused the crown thrice; he left seventy five drachmas
for all the people of Rome; he left his fields, garden and orchards for the
common people and these show that Caesar was not an ambitious person.

2)  What was Cassius’s motive
for murdering Caesar?
Ans:- The real villain of Caesar’s
assassination was Cassius. He was jealous and afraid of the increasing power
and influence of Caesar. Out of envy he hatched a conspiracy and included
Brutus and others with the logic i.e. Caesar should be killed to save Rome and
people of Rome. Rome and people of Rome were secondary reasons and his envy and
safety was the primary reason for murdering Caesar. 
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